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About Us

Rede Internacional de Imóveis ® - International Real Estate Promotion

RII - Rede Internacional de Imóveis ® based in Lisbon / Portugal and branch in Brazil, was born in 2018 with the mission of transforming the way of doing business in the Brazilian and Portuguese real estate market through technology.

It is present in several European countries. The objective of Portal RII - Rede Internacional de Imóveis ®, is to strengthen and facilitate real estate business between Brazil and Europe.

The Portal thus provides Brazilian and Portuguese Builders, Real Estate Companies and Brokers with the possibility of taking / publicizing their projects in Europe and Brazil and thus attracting new investors / potential customers.

It is the path, the bridge that connects Brokers, Real Estate Companies and Builders for the presentation of their projects in Brazil in Europe and in the World.

We develop products, intelligence, services and information that generate gains and assertive decisions for all agents involved.

How do we work?

Download our presentation (in PDF format below) to get to know a little more about RII - Rede Internacional de Imóveis ® and our contacts.

Presentation RII - Rede Internacional de Imóveis ®

How to Advertise

If you are interested in joining or are simply looking for more detailed information, do not hesitate to fill out our Rede Internacional de Imóveis Form so that a member of our team can answer all your questions and, if you wish, proceed with the membership process.

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